Running BitkubChain POS solo validator node with Docker
1 min readAug 17, 2023
From my previous post, Create BitkubChain Solo Validator Node. Now I create docker and docker-compose for simple running way.
Let’s run a solo validator node in minutes using cheatsheet below.
# cloning repositorty
git clone
cd bitkubchain-pos-solo
# build docker image
docker build -t bitkubchain/geth:2.1.0 .
# build docker image and alias cmd
alias deth='docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/bkc-node/mainnet -it bitkubchain/geth:2.1.0'
# testing cmd
deth version
# change pass.txt to your password
cp pass.txt.example pass.txt
vi pass.txt
# create new account
deth --datadir /bkc-node/mainnet/data account new --password bkc-node/mainnet/pass.txt
# initialize
deth --datadir /bkc-node/mainnet/data init /bkc-node/mainnet/genesis.json
# copy .env.example to .env
cp .env.example .env
vi .env
# change WALLET_ADDRESS from step 1 and save
# running validator node
docker compose up -d
# checking docker compose is running correctly
docker compose logs -f
# checking syncing status
deth attach --datadir=/bkc-node/mainnet/data
# get syncing status
> eth.syncing
Thank you.